Welcome to Quantum Electronics Lab

Indraprastha  Institute of Information Technology Delhi 

New Delhi 110020, India

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-::   PhD Opening   ::-

Students having UGC/CSIR JRF or any other national fellowship can directly join a PhD program to pursue exciting and innovative research in nanoelectronics & spintronics. Interested students are encouraged to email their CV to Dr. R. K. Ghosh (rkghosh@iiitd.ac.in) and join IIITD anytime during the academic year.

We work at the interface of quantum physics, materials and nanoscale devices

Quantum Electronics Lab @ IIITD is a research group led by Dr. Ram Krishna Ghosh at the ECE Department of IIIT Delhi. Our theoretical nanosystems research focuses on (a) first-principles atomistic modeling using Density Functional Theory, Molecular Dynamics, and Monte Carlo simulations, (b) non-equilibrium transport simulation at the atomic level, and (c) multiscale modeling of nanoscale devices, with a prime objective of multidisciplinary collaborative research in "atom to devices" for next-generation quantum technologies. 

Key Highlights

Publications: Nature Materials, Nature Comm., Nano Letters, Nanoscale, Phys. Rev. B, IEEE TED, IEDM, MMM, etc. 

Google Scholar Citations: > 2200 ; h-index : 18 ; i10-index: 24

Group Alumni Placement: Faculty positions, PhDs & PostDocs, IBM, Samsung Electronics, etc.
